The day of the runaway

I thought I can be like this thou sigh~

Is any of you guys ever been expel from house you rent? Well that kind of thing happen to me right now. WHY?
Me myself wondering, I didn't even ask my friends when will the contract of this house expired, or others but this past 48 hours, the owner of this house came and told us that we need to clear this house in another 48 hours. Damn!
How can I find a place in this next couple hours?
Luckily this problem has been solve. HOW? :) Thank You to Mudah for giving us the convenient of getting a house or rather a room for two of us in couple of hours. After spending an hour, a couple of minutes actually, clicking the link and dialling the number provided, I find a suitable house and urgently need housemate.
Wallah, I just grab the chances and confirm with the owner and got ourselves a suitable room with Queen bed .
Its not ending like that, the owner even give us a job. A job that just need a couple of hours, can do it for side income. Well, you all know that student's life need a lot of money (for enjoy I think ahaha) so this is the chance for us to grab, its just hang a banner from places to places. Such an easy job for me because I'm used to the banner job during election on 2010. So it is a piece of cake. :D
Well guys, that's all for today. Need to get pack up things to get move on! Move On, Move On! yeah!!!!

Quotes of the day
Ready an umbrella before it start raining. Works fine if you always ready.
That's all, thank folks for read. Bye. :h

Credit : Thank to Google for the translation and specially thank to CartoonStock for the image

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Who's The Writer

I Love My Life, My Life Is Simple,I Quotes My Life, I Write My Life, And The Truth Is I Can't Erase It.
I have lots and lots of nicks, but it doesn't matter as long as that person is me. A person who was once be loved, once have a good life, once have a good relationship.
I did not earn any qualification, I'm just being normal. Being normal as I can be that is the true solitary.

You'll Never Walk Alone