When think about LIFE, people will say that life is misery, life is troublesome, life is awesome, but on the reality, did they know what is life all about? Well, maybe I'm a typical who thinks that life is like this and life is like that. The truth is Life is all about how we plan ourselves, about how we try to fill times with something precious, something gives meaning to us, something that can give us the meaning of what is the purpose of living.
There are some people said that their life is like something they really wish for, but do they look on others life? We should be happy for what we are but not of because who we are. Some people already been born into a wealthy family, a happy family, but what about those who aren't? Did they wish to born in that family? NO! absolutely not. So, don't be proud of what you have but didn't even belong to you.
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.That's all folks, thanks for reading
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