Last Day of Ramadhan

Today, 29th August 2011, 
another couple of hours He will gone,
Gone and will never see us again this year,
Next year, Who knows?

Today, last day of Ramadhan,
Were there joy or were there sadness?
Whatever it brings,
Its just a coincidence.

Ramadhan will be gone,
did we do well during the time?
Did we fulfil our responsibility as a muslim?

There are so much question,
maybe some would not know the answer,
maybe some would just past and eager to know,
DID you?

Ramadhan will be gone,
Sooner rather than later,
Will we see it again next year?
I hope so.

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Who's The Writer

I Love My Life, My Life Is Simple,I Quotes My Life, I Write My Life, And The Truth Is I Can't Erase It.
I have lots and lots of nicks, but it doesn't matter as long as that person is me. A person who was once be loved, once have a good life, once have a good relationship.
I did not earn any qualification, I'm just being normal. Being normal as I can be that is the true solitary.

You'll Never Walk Alone