Bored and Tired of Work...

picture from

1.34 P.M, a bored time has come, urgh.
I can't stand of being bored and i'm tired of being bored. 

Just type a few words describing that I am bored.
Luckily the ICT unit doesn't block the blogspot. fiuhhh... my own domain have been block. DAMN! how can I manage my site? somebody tell me how. Any ideas?

I miss my friends, how are you guys? Paten, ayeh, talo, eman, yun , kak eira, pah, ain, anne, Mcna, Myn and others I almost forgot their name. Silly me isn't it? hurm.

Today is 24th August corresponds to 23 Ramadhan, its already been 23 days of fasting, so quick time has passed. so guys, happy 23 ramadhan and may God bless you all on your fasting period. chiaooo

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Who's The Writer

I Love My Life, My Life Is Simple,I Quotes My Life, I Write My Life, And The Truth Is I Can't Erase It.
I have lots and lots of nicks, but it doesn't matter as long as that person is me. A person who was once be loved, once have a good life, once have a good relationship.
I did not earn any qualification, I'm just being normal. Being normal as I can be that is the true solitary.

You'll Never Walk Alone